
Rathdrum Post 154


Honor Guard

Post 154 in Rathdrum has an Honor Guard whose purpose is to provide funeral honors for fallen Veterans, and serve as the "guardians of the colors" (Color Guard) by displaying and escorting the American flag, State flag, POW/MIA flag, etc., during parades and other events in our community. The Honor Guard is composed of 5 to 9 Veterans, male or female, in uniform, for funeral rifle salutes. Our Honor Guard owns a bugle to provide "Taps",  and 7 M1 rifles on loan from the DOD for rifle salutes, and an AR15 on loan from the Post Falls Police Department for ceremonial use. 

As you cn imagine, the Honor Guard is called upon often and it is sometimes difficult to assemble enough members for every need. If you have any interest in serving on the Honor Guard, please contact Todd Halvorson at 509-226-5355, or email at keltod11@gmail.com.