Manuel Schneidmiller Post 154
Who is Manuel Schneidmiller and why will our permanent charter and post bear his name? First, some information on the requirements when naming a post. The person for whom an American Legion post is named must be a deceased veteran who would have been eligible to join the American Legion. The veteran's family must give consent to allow the name to be used, and then the name and credentials must be submitted to national for approval. Below you can read the information submitted to get approval for Rathdrum Post 154 to be named Manuel Schneidmiller Post 154.
Born: July 27 1915
Deceased: November 13, 1997
Branch: Marines
War Period: WWII
Medals: Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Navy and Marine Corps Presidential Unit Citation (2 Devices), American Campaign Medal, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal (3 Devices for Amphibious Landings), World War II Victory Medal
Manuel Schneidmiller or Mannie as he was known, enlisted in the Marine Corp shortly after WWII was declared. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant. His first duty assignment directed him to San Diego and thereafter on a mission to deliver 18 amphibious landing craft to Samoa. It was there he joined the "Second Amphibian Tractor Battalion". His war battle theaters included Saipan, Tinian, Tarawa and Okinawa. In 1946 he was discharged at Farragut, Idaho and later joined the Marine Corp Reserve from which he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.
After the war he purchased a farm with his brother in Idaho. It consisted of a few hundred acres of land. This eventually grew to over 4,000 acres. In addition to being one of the largest grass farmers in the region, he became involved in many land development projects and businesses.
Mannie and his wife Gladys were very involved in the community. He was a commissioner on the Highway District and Irrigation District. He was involved with the Chamber of Commerce and other civic organizations. They donated too many causes including scholarships for high school graduates, Washington State University, land donations for a medical campus and to Jobs Plus bringing hundreds of jobs to Post Falls and the surrounding communities including Rathdrum.
A veteran's flag memorial located in the Evergreen cemetery was created in Mannie’s memory honoring his service and the service of all veterans. It says “Dedicated To America’s Veterans For Unselfish Service To Our Country”. It features the US Flag and service flags for all five services and their bronze seals, the installation was dedicated in 2013.
If you'd like to read more about Manuel Schneidmiller written by his family, click here.