
Rathdrum Post 154


  Post Officers & Committee Chairmen

Post 154 Executive Committee

Commander Dee Sasse 

1st Vice-Commander Bill Kinder

2nd Vice-Commander Mike McPhail

Adjutant Bryan Bledsoe

Service Officer Ruth Aresvik

Finance Officer Lonnie Morse  

Historian Tim Chandler

Chaplain Helen Kinder

Judge Advocate Bob Kernen

Sergeant-At-Arms Todd Halvorson

Training Officer 

The Member-at-Large position is a conduit between the membership and the Executive Committee. If you have a concern and would like to remain anonymous, that will be respected and your identity will not be disclosed.

3-Year Member-at-Large Pete Williams

2-Year Member-at-Large  Ken Johnson

1-Year Member-at-Large Bob Granger 

(Bob Granger would also like the membership to know that as the 1 Year Member at Large he would like to hear any concerns that any members may have about Post 154. Bob can be reached by phone or text at (208) 819-1405 or email at bigbob442000@yahoo.com. )

Post 154 Committee Chairmen

Americanism Committee - Chairman Bill Kinder

Ceremonials Committee - Chairman Mike McPhail

Children and Youth Committee - Chairman Leo Calhoun

Economic Committee - Chairman Len Crosby 

Finance Committee -  Chairman Len Crosby 

Graves Registration and Memorial Committee - Chairman Helen Kinder 

Legislative Committee - Chairman Len Crosby 

Membership Committee - Chairman Bill Kinder

Public Relations Committee - Chairman Jean Bledsoe 

Sons of the American Legion Committee -  No chapter at this time

Veterans’ Affairs and Rehabilitation Committee - Chairman Ruth Aresvik 

Visiting or VAVS Committee - Chairman Helen Kinder

Technology - Chairman Jean Bledsoe 

Note: All officers and committee chairman can be reached at the following email address: rathdrum154@gmail.com